
Rauma Sailing Club doesn't have full English version of web pages at the moment.

For information about club and activities, please contact our responsible members:

(e-mail addresses are format firs.last@raumanpurjehdusseura.fi)


General information

Susanna Tevä, Commodore, phone +358 40 719 4845

Tero Aromaa, Vice Commodore, phone +358 40 554 4756

Noora Niemi, Secretary, phone +358 45 183 4060


Junior activities

Toni Kujansuu phone +358 44 349 4724



Mikko Mäki, phone +358 50 493 9351


Kuuskari Club house

Onni Renvall, phone +358 45 164 2222


Petäjäs boat yard

Timo Tammiala, phone +358 40 523 8754